Friday, June 27, 2014

Exciting stuff happening

hello everybody,
got news from some of our affiliates sponsors everything is looking good, getting some t shirts and stuff made for the show... #awesome #freestuff
don't forget to check out our podcasts and twitter updates! Also give us a call and tell us what you think. or you can just call and say hello tell us about a show or plug your CD! 206-350-4948
-mayhem man

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Just got done recording!

hey everybody, just got done recording the show for this Sunday... I'm pretty stoked about it. seems like we get better every time we get in the studio together. beard was back this week, Mad Mike was on a roll with his rants, rusty had some pretty funny things he found on the net. all in all it was a good night. Got some good news about sponsors on the way, and got some real work done on the website which should be ready now! thanks to all of our fans and everyone who makes this possible for us!

Monday, June 23, 2014

June 23 2014

Hey Everybody, Last night was a great show, if you didnt catch it click on our podcast link to hear it! The Beard will be back this week so keep listening!